SORA Consultation

Aitame teil saada droonioperatsioonidele heakskiidu. Kas soovite lennata BVLOS lendu või inimeste kogunemise lähedale? Kas soovite sooritada öise lennu? Kas teie droon kaalub üle 30 kg? SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) on mitmeetapiline riskihindamise protsess, mille eesmärk on mehitamata õhusõiduki käitamise riskianalüüs, samuti vajalike leevendusmeetmete ja käitamisohutuseesmärkide kirjeldamine ning nendele vajaliku töökindluse määratlemine. SORA (Specific…

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Participation in the drafting of the Latvian UAS concept

In October 2021, Vindico OÜ entered into an agreement with AS Latvijas gaisa satiksme to participate in the preparation of the UAS Concept of Latvia and to provide related consulting services. To date, the work has been successfully completed and accepted by AS Latvijas gaisa satiksme. Olga Mašinskaja, Chairman of the Management Board of Vindico OÜ, said that the work was challenging and she is glad that the Vindico team accepted it...

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World ATM Congress

Representatives of Vindico participated in the exhibition accompanying the World ATM Congress at the IFEMA Exhibition Center in Madrid. The topics related to UTM and U-space management were very strong throughout the exhibition, which have traditionally been more ATM oriented. We looked at the latest system developments and examined how different U-space related issues are being addressed in different countries and by different manufacturers. The drone transporders, which were still quite clumsy at the previous show, were now much smaller than the matchbox and other positive developments could be seen everywhere.

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Consultancy agreement for participating in creation of Latvian drone management system implementation concept

“Latvijas gaisa satiksme” and Vindico OÜ signed an agreement in frame of which Vindico will contribute to the development of the implementation concept of the Latvian UAS management and monitoring system deployment. Vindico assists in the creation of the LGS concept document and also participates in discussions to help select a proper Latvian U-space model and the principles to manage its operators.

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Cooperation agreement with the Estonian Aviation Academy

Eesti Lennuakadeemia ja VINDICO OÜ sõlmisid koostöökokkuleppe mehitamata lennunduse valdkonnas arendustegevuseks sh rakendusuuringute läbiviimiseks. Eesmärgiks on arendada ja välja töötada Vindico kontseptsioondokumendis kirjeldatud droonitransporti toetavate süsteemide lahendused. Vajalike arendus- ja rakendusuuringute läbiviimiseks kasutatakse Lennuakadeemia laboratoorset ja tehnilist baasi ning eesmärgiks on kindlasti ka lahenduste testimisele õpilaste kaasamist. Koostöös otsitakse ka võimalusi projekti raames ühisprojektide algatamiseks,…

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