SORA Consultation
Aitame teil saada droonioperatsioonide heakskiidu.
Do you want to fly a BVLOS flight or close to a gathering of people? Do you want to take a night flight? Does your drone weigh more than 30kg?
SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) on mitmeetapiline riskihindamise protsess, mille eesmärk on mehitamata õhusõiduki käitamise riskianalüüs, samuti vajalike leevendusmeetmete ja käitamisohutuseesmärkide välja selgitamine ning vajaliku töökindluse määratlemine.
With the SORA (Specific Operation Risk Analysis) risk assessment process, we can carry out a risk analysis and assess the severity of the operation, find the best solution for flying your drone.
• No aviation background required
• Full risk assessment
• Communication with relevant authorities
SORA konsultatsiooniteenus võtab teie taotlusprotsessi täielikult üle ja aitame saada heaskiidu teie taotlusele/operatsioonidele.
Drooni transporditeenuste developing services that connect drone transport companies, trade and end-users together and offer real added value is our big goal
Oleme ka mehitamata lennunduse experdid kes tegelevad üldiste drooni transpordi alaste lahenduste väljatöötamisega a la transport of goods / medicines, in fact there are no limits to these possibilities – sky is the limit 😉

Consultancy Services
working out drone and UAS based solutions - scaled to the client needs
helping drone industry and industry experts on different fields, both from regulatory and applications said
creating readiness to scope with rapidly changing regulations
working out and helping to create visions, plans and action plans according to the clients needs