iii. Description of OCC functions per module

  1. Control and Monitoring Module

The Control and Monitoring Module is a main tool for operator(s) to handle and monitor ongoing activities. This module is a main part of the OCC and shall provide:

  • any information about active and queued operations, indicating timelines of time-critical interactions, when the Operator needs to intervene with operating UA,
  • overall surveillance picture about the airspace situation, indication of the location and routes of the UAs in operation,
  • drone control tools,
  • communication facilities for contacting UTM service providers, customers and other drone delivery system managers,
  • video stream about UA take-off, landing and cargo release operations, including the interaction with the end client during the operations,
  • access to the drones working conditions and tools for finding lost drones,
  • tools for making safety/quality reports.

2. Logistics Module

The Logistics Module is a commercially available platform-based module or specially developed module. It is part of the centre, working in the background.

3. Planning Module

This is a specially developed module, part of the centre, working in the background. Preparing data for the logistic module about the availability of resources for the next missions and collecting data about the availability and conditions of the UA fleet.

4. Delivery and Status Monitoring Module

Specially developed module, part of the centre, working in the background.

5. Maintenance Module

Commercially available platform-based module. It is not a necessary part of the centre and could be operated from a separate location.

6. Accounting Module

Commercially available platform-based module. It is not a necessary part of the centre and could be operated from a separate location.

7. Communication backbone, network, data sharing

Part of the OCC.

8. Charging Station and unLoading Station

These are intended for specially designed remote facilities.
